privacy policy

In promoting and operating our business, Cross Village Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") will appropriately acquire, use, and provide personal information, comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information, and protect personal information. In order to prevent and correct information leaks, etc., we have established the following policy.

1. Legal compliance

In order to protect personal information, our company complies with Japan's "Personal Information Protection Act", guidelines of each government agency, and other related laws and regulations.

2. Definition of personal information

Personal information refers to information that can identify a specific individual, such as name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of work, etc.

3.Acquisition and use of personal information

Our company will acquire and use personal information appropriately.

    1. Acquisition of personal information When acquiring personal information, our company specifies the purpose of use and acquires it through methods such as web screens, e-mail, telephone, and oral communication.
    2. Regarding the use of personal information, our company will appropriately manage personal information and will only use and provide it within the scope of the purpose for which the consent of the person has been obtained, unless required by law.

4.Purpose of use of personal information

(1) In promoting and operating our business, we will use personal information only to the extent necessary for the following purposes.

Email member personal information
  • Email delivery
  • Notices and information from our company
  • Promotion of sales, advertising and communication activities
Personal information obtained from our online store
  • Smooth operation of online store
  • Contact, information and after-sales follow-up
  • Notices and information from our company
  • Promotion of sales, advertising and communication activities
  • Information and after-sales follow-up regarding our products from authorized dealers
Personal information entered through the inquiry form
  • Appropriate response to inquiries, consultations, and comments
  • Contact (inquiries, consultations, answers and questions regarding points raised)

Our company uses the following personal information for the purposes described in (1) above.

・Information such as name, address, date of birth, etc.
1. Name, gender, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address
・Information regarding the services you have applied for or inquired about.
  1. Information regarding products ordered from us
  2. Information regarding after-sales service after purchasing our products
  3. Other information such as application reception history, content of opinions, requests, inquiries, etc., and information acquired in connection with the provision of our services, etc.

(2) If any of the following items apply, our company may handle personal information for purposes other than the purposes listed above.

1.When based on laws and regulations
2.When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
3. In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local government, or a party entrusted with their authority, in carrying out affairs stipulated by laws and regulations.

5.Provision of personal information to third parties

Our company will not provide acquired personal information to a third party without the consent of the person, except in the following cases.

  1. In addition to cases based on laws and regulations, cases where personal information is permitted to be provided to a third party without the consent of the person pursuant to Article 23, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act (see 4. (Refer to “Purpose of Use” (2))
  2. When personal information is entrusted to an authorized retailer to the extent necessary for the execution of our business.

6.Prevention of personal data leakage, etc.

In order to ensure the safety of personal information, our company takes security management measures that are regularly reviewed and prevents leaks of personal information.

7. Supervision of subcontractors

Our company may outsource some or all of the handling of personal information when providing and selling various products, operating services, campaigns, events, and marketing. In this case, we will carefully select a subcontractor that handles personal information appropriately, and then supervise it from time to time to ensure that personal information is handled appropriately.

8. Continuous improvement of personal information management system

Our company strives to continuously review and improve the construction and operation of the personal information management system in order to maintain and operate it in the best possible condition.

9. Inquiry, correction, deletion and suspension of use of personal information

Regarding personal information held by our company, in response to requests from individuals and their agents for notification of the purpose of use, inquiries, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties, We will respond appropriately.

10.Inquiries regarding personal information

Our company will strive to respond appropriately to inquiries regarding personal information. When making inquiries, please check the contents of the "Privacy Policy" and contact us using the inquiry form .

Enactment date December 1, 2023

Cross Village Co., Ltd.

Representative Director: Ryota Murakoshi